Monday, December 7, 2015

Big things come in little packages.....

Hard to imagine little cars can turn out much but this old old Maruthi 800 was really going with me at the wheel and touched 140 kph. Same with the Thar @ 150kph ... See for yourself

Funnily it's the same with people.... The nicest, sweetest , largest hearts are sometimes in some otherwise normal people .... "Z" for instance. God bless all my friends .... For being there when I needed them most.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Charu pulled me into a whatsapp group this morning and I've been chatting all day catching up with my mates from school.
 Never ever had such a nice time just chatting all day. I reckon it's because of all the wonderful people in the group. Thank you all. 

All of you all are most welcome at Vediparai anytime.